After a decade as a top-performing corporate General Manager for a multi-million dollar fitness club, Jenny reluctantly gave up her career due to chronic burnout. She held out hope that mental freedom would be found in entrepreneurship.
8 years and building 3 other business models to six-figures later, she noticed her tendency to push herself into exhaustion and fatigue was a deeply ingrained habit, not a job requirement.
Everything changed after a light-bulb moment that burnout was in fact an insatiable desire to “chase” recognition, rewards, over-achievement and external validation. It was the chase that led to the breakdown every single time.
Sound familiar?

After two years of unwinding, unraveling, ‘burning businesses to the ground’ and re-programming the pathway to success, she finally discovered the true purpose to this human experience.
Through diving deep into the soul journey through Spiritual Ministry and re-launching the purpose of business, Mind Miracles™ and Profit Meets Play™ were born.
Coupled with a pure intention to lead high-performance and high-impact CEO's & Entrepreneurs without the stress, she firmly believes drive does not need to lead to dysfunction. She is here to teach key players how to marry their passion for results with a passion for a high-vibe life.
With a blend of spirituality, connection, collaboration and co-creation, she brings teams together for one unified and common mission.
Now consulting with visionary companies that desire to build environments where Profit meets PLAY™
Jenny’s motto is THE BEST TRAINED TEAM WINS and a learning experience on the frequency of fun brings the embodiment of freedom and success to everyone. She is confident she is the ONE who has nailed this sweet spot and is ready to bring this exclusively to your team.
Here we blend Soul & Strategy.
With 18 years of high-level management, sales expertise, Instructor Training in Think and Grow Rich™, deep work in Gallup Clifton Strengths™, Spiritual Ministry with A Course In Miracles, and countless certifications and courses in energetics, mindset and mentorship training, plus priceless personal experience, we are here for a wholistic approach to business expansion.